Monday, October 15, 2007

5 stages of a break up

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Rejection
4. Depression.
5. Acceptance

my friend who told me this isn't even sure its in the right order. but i guess its true. first you deny that u've even broke up and desperately cling on to the hope of wanting to get back. then u're angry at the fact the person broke up with you. (which i have done so, stupidly and unwillingly) thirdly, there's the rejection where you're fed up with the person and don't want to hear see or talk to the person. (which i think i'm probably am in that stage right now) and lastly there's depression, feeling sorry for yourself because you know it didn't work out no matter how much u tried. (which is evident in my case right now) and finally being able to accept that its happened and for good reason(waiting for that day to come, although i see it lingering already)

so when does the healing start? after i finish my depression? u got to be kidding me, i'm a mellow depressive person, it takes YEARS to get out of my state. it took me some time before this ex girlfriend, cld even pull me out of that state to start dating. I don't want another person to pull me out of it and break my heart again?

Drama drama drama..... why can't we all be friends, shake hands, hug each other, forgive and love everyone for what they are. But ppl have emotions and anger seems to come to mind when you think of another's deeds. i too am guilty of that. we always ask ourselves as human beings why the other person is so unfair or selfish? but in truth, we are all guilty of doing the same. like how i wanted or rather needed to have someone to rely on when things went wrong. so i turned to her, that was selfish of me too. how cld i bother someone else with my problems? ppl say that's what friends are for. but its probably not the best option considering when someone hates you, u don't go pleading to them. dumb jachin dumb dumb dumb.

well, at least i now know that acceptance is around the corner and i can finally be done with all this. hopefully she can be civil towards me and our friends don't have to suffer, because of her intent of not wanting to see me.

they say when u've been with somebody, u're never the same. people change that way, you either walk away scared for life or a better person. the choice is always yours to make and how you eventually deem what's important to you will always show itself in mysterious ways.


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