Monday, September 17, 2007


have u ever in ur life thought that its time to share something that turns out to be everything with a person? i have but time and time again, i make the same stupid mistake. why open up to a person and be vulnerable at all? why bother falling in love? why? it a stupid silly mistake.

i made that stupid mistake enough times, and this time. i've learnt that they can promise u the world and so much more, but lies are lies and a better future is just a sham. I hate it i absolutely hate it, trusting a person enough to fall for them. thank u for the lesson, when there is emotion or an opening, people will hurt u. People take into account that their own feelings are more important than others. and we never recover frm it. NEVER.

i did it once with my ex, i did it again. and look where i've ended up. I hate it. i hate the one who started turning me into someone this vial, and till today the seed of poison runs through my veins. i shld have stopped when i was 15. she never hurt me, she ended it without doing so, but she's the one person who never hurt me at all. Regret and regress i guess. so jachin, just crawl into ur stupid hole and realise that u're going to never be able to have credence within another person.


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