Ta Douleur (Your Pain)
Get up you that is settled
Laisse-moi te remplacer
Leave me to replace you
Je vais prendre ta douleur
I will take your pain
Doucement sans faire de bruit
Gently without noise
Comme on réveille la pluie
As one awakened by rain
Je vais prendre ta douleur
I will take your pain
Elle lutte elle se débat
She fights and debates with herself
Mais ne résistera pas
But will not withstand trying again
Je vais bloquer l'ascenseur...
I will block the elevator
Saboter l'interrupteur
Sabotage the switch
Mais c'est qui cette incrustée
But this is inlaid(plan)
Cet orage avant l'été
This storm before the summer
Sale chipie de petite soeur ?
Dirty cow of small sister?(French insult)
Je vais tout lui confisquer
I will confiscate all from him
Ses fléchettes et son sifflet
his darts and his sifflet
Je vais lui donner la fessée...
I will give him spanking
La virer de la récrée
To turn it on him and recreate the pain
Mais c'est qui cette héritière
But this is their heiress
Qui se baigne qui se terre
Who itself bathes that itself in earth
Dans l'eau tiède de tes reins ?
In the tepid water of your kidneys?
Je vais la priver de dessert
I will deprive it of dessert
Lui faire mordre la poussière
Let him bite dust
De tous ceux qui n'ont plus rien...
for all those that no longer have nothing
De tous ceux qui n'ont plus faim
for all those that no longer have hunger
Dites moi que fout la science
Say me that screws the science
A quand ce pont entre nos panses ?
To when this bridge between our lives
Si tu as mal là où t'as peur
If you are bad there’s where you are afraid
Tu n'as pas mal là où je pense !
You have thought poorly of what I think!
Qu'est-ce qu´elle veut cette conasse
What else does she wants
Le beurre ou l'argent du beurre
The butter or butter money
Que tu vives ou que tu meurs ?
whether you live or you die
Faut qu'elle crève de bonheur
Is necessary that she takes happiness coldly
Ou qu'elle change de godasses
Or that she wrinkles change her
Faut qu'elle croule sous les fleurs
Is necessary that she collapses under the flowers
Change de couleur...
Change colour…
Je vais jouer au docteur
I will play doctor
Dites moi que fout la science
Say me that screws the science
A quand ce pont entre nos panses ?
To when this bridge between our lives
Si tu as mal là où t'as peur
If you are bad there’s where you are afraid
Tu n'as pas mal là où je chante !
You have thought poorly of what I think!
this is my best translation i can do of this song, and i guess it really speaks a thousand words to me. i want to be able to do that, even though i've caused the pain. but that is my only wish right now. to Right some wrongs, and let things be healed. its not a love song. its one that gives another hope for a better tomorrow
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