cold cold cold!
the new years is almost coming, and i wanna start a clean clean new sheet to this coming 2007. i can't find a better way to start it by apologizing to all the people i've offended over 2006 and 2005. so slowly and surely, hopefully by the end of 2007 some miracles will hapen and everything would be forgiven. i have heaps of people to apologize to and hell more to strike peace with. never thought i could offend or make so many people angry. maybe going to perth was my little escape to run away from all these obsticles. but i shall make a promise to myself that i will change that. its gonna take time, but hopefully at the end of this new year. i will have made enough peace with everyone.
i guess time will be still the best measure for everything once again. i bore myself with this pundering morsh shit. but its my only option, time to forgive and time to try once again. i'll see the rest of you real soon. and here i shall stop and stop boring you guys with my boring words.