its been well over three weeks since school has started. its beginning to have its ups and downs. the presentations to get my mere 10-20% of my grades have already started. i decided against my lack of knowledge to take all the first presentations, hoping that the bar n standard of presenting questions and answers to my four modules in the big word namely being UNIVERSITY, won't be too difficult. but we'll just see how it goes. i'm not presenting first on any, but i am usually second up to present on the "first days" of presentation.
i've got four whole modules, Accounting Information systems; macro economics; property investment analysis and property/land law. let me just say this, property/land law is the hardest module to learn, simply because i don't understand the necessities of tenure and native title, which are very foreign to me, even though i come from a british colony, but its never occured to me that there are so many freaking sections for tenure and estates, damn soverignity! and native title? who the hell cares!!!! work for ur freaking land, pay the money and produce the money to own your own freaking land, don't make it because its ur borne right! Rights! ahhhh! let's not go there!
australia is not that bad, WA has its beauties. for example, its not that cold here, it has a great diversity of people, much like singapore, its multicultural ability to cohabitat all races is quite impressive. i haven't seen any body calling me a cuk, or a chink! thank god! pretty much glad that its been so far so good. i might just be able to finish my degree without throwing a chair at my dean! hahaha! for those who already knew.
the life and times of jachin. well, let's see........ i'm hanging out with a generic crowd of norweigians, germans, americans, australians and asians. its quite a good balance if you ask me. met two soccer fanatic girls, quite pretty i must say. sadly ze german is going after one! haha! best of luck dude! americans crack me up, i have two male counterparts who are kooky and hellalot of fun. its really quite interesting and heaps of joy just kicking back and cracking jokes. but i must say, i've never seen SO MANY NORWEIGIANS IN MYLIFE! i made a great friend, namely jan, pronunced yan. he's way cool abit of an eccentric flirt, narcissitic and definately loves to be cheeky. but i love him to bits, he's just a joy to be arnd. full of shit, and way too talktative. haha! awww.. let;s hope i didn;t offend him. but yea! i'm enjoying life staying on campus, but don't like the convenience of having my own appartment. sadly. oh well, one can't have everything. but its a great experience i must say. although, i got flat inspections tomorrow. SCARY! hahahaha.... okay enuff abt commenting abt my new friends. we're going down south sometime soon, we'll see how it goes. bet it'll be a blast!
so here i am, living on my own, paid entirely by my parents. and i can say i am a lucky man! okay, maybe so a boy! its awesome! i love being a student. can't hardly wait to enjoy life in general and kick back and relax. but first, i gotta put in the effort for studies and hopefully i won't screw it up like i did my diploma back home in sg. i just hope all turns out well, get a good job and etc. life can be sweet when u work hard and play hard. i just hope the benefits are great! Thanks to my DAD! i really am blessed with a dad that lets me do so much on his budget for me. i couldn't ask for more. okay i could, but i know i have it way great already. coming back in less than two weeks. i miss my sg friends. u guys are irreplacable! REMEMBER THAT! PLS! haha! ciaos!