I am angry at most anti-smokers! Not being able to smoke in some places I can see, such as a restaurant. But when I can't smoke in a bar, that is just stupid. When was the last time anyone in a bar was bothered by smoke? If they are that damn worried about their health, don't drink! I know the anti-smokers will say 'No, it is for the bartenders.' Come on! When was the last time a bartender wanted someone to put out their cigarette or cigar? If a bartender asked me that, I would just laugh assuming he was joking. Another place...airports! On the planes, no smoking I can understand. But in the actual airport? What the hell? Do you not think the jets put out 100000 times more toxins than my cigarette? Anyone, Hitler was an anti-smoker. He was intolerant, and so are anti-smokers!
irritable says:
Time for a cigarette, bye!
www.angry.nethow awesome is that!!!! i love every bit of this! hahaha!
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